Loro Serrano Occidental/ Thick-billed parrot
El Loro Serrano Occidental (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) Es endémico de la Sierra Madre Occidental. No sólo tiene importancia ecológica; sino también cultural para los habitantes de la Sierra Madre.
Es parte de TENORES por el desapego que muestran hacia el entorno en el que habitan, ya que en época invernal prefieren viajar en busca de bosques con disponibilidad de semillas.
En un futuro podríamos aprender del desapego que muestran los cotorros serranos occidentales.
The Thick-billed parrot (Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha) is endemic to the Sierra Madre Occidental. It is not only environmentally important; but also culturally as the people in such area have shown certain respect for them.
Unfortunately the IUCN has assessed this bird as 'endangered' as its population is decreasing.
It is part of TENORES because of the detachment they show towards the environment where they live; in winter they prefer to travel in search of forests with the availability of seeds.
In the future, we could learn from the detachment shown by the thick billed parrots